Julian Perry

Julian is an experimental research physicist who did his Masters in Radiation Physics at London University while working at St Bartholomew’s Hospital.

He became a Senior Physicist in the Medical Physics and Bio-Engineering department at University College Hospital, primarily working with the radiation monitoring and protection service for NHS employees and on the quality control of X-ray and Nuclear Medicine imaging systems.

From this work, he contributed to an international inter-comparison study on Gamma cameras and wrote a monograph on radiation dosimetry for the Institute of Physics Medical Science Series.

He then became a visiting lecturer at University College London training postdocs and research students in the safe handling, use, and applications of radionuclides.

Later he trained as a science teacher for the state education system via a PGCE at Sussex University. He has also tutored students in science subjects for over 30 years.

His other main interests are photography and digital imaging, and 3D modeling using UAV photogrammetry and associated software.