Latest Research - OSF Study 2
The second OSF study address the all important question of the source of the energy gains observed in the first OSF study.
Essentially it does this by determining if the battery capacity exhibits any correlation with the energy released during IPC on the basis that, if the energy is being derived from the electrochemistry, then over time the battery capacity will decline due to the loss of the active agents required to drive the redox reactions involved in the battery’s charging and discharging.
A correlation indicates that the energy gains derive from internal enthalpy and a lack of correlation indicates that the only other option is true; that the enemy drives from the environment by as yet undetermined energetic processes and pathways.
The 2nd study project registration was submitted on July 4th 2024 where all the documentation can be seen via this link. The study was undertaken between July and December 2024 and, as before, all the data recorded and analysed during the study is publicly viewable via this project link:
A paper, supporting an environmental origin for the measured energy gains, was published in January 2025 and is available on the link below under ‘Publications’.
Research Protocols:
Predicted Capacity Calculations
Relevant documents:
Measuring Battery Health: Secondary Cell Dynamics and Electrochemistry
The V5A generator system design used
LTSpice simulation for capacitor charging with IPC
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