Research Results - OSF Study 1
Data from the first publicly viewable confirmatory research study, held at the Centre for Open Science, is now available:
(Note: Spreadsheets containing all the measurement data should be downloaded first so that it is presented in the correct format. Guidance notes on the spreadsheets and their computations is here.)
‘Closed-Loop’ Analysis (LiFePO4)
Published Paper:
The published paper, a summary of the key findings and a graphical abstract are available here.
Replication materials:
Comprehensive materials to allow replication of the study results are available here.
Exploratory Data:
Links to documents and reports regarding previous exploratory work on IPC:
Replication Information:
An updated ‘Assembly and Guidance’ manual, based on a circuit equivalent to that used in the OSF study, is now available on a link shown further up this page.