Developmental Blog

(A more detailed blog can be seen on the OSF Wiki page)

With Pre-registration with the OSF expected to take place in early 2024, there is a wide range of developmental tasks to complete on both the device itself as well as the methodology and related documentation. This blog serves to chart the main steps in that progression and on into the research study itself. Amongst the tasks is to further develop the generator/charger based on recent findings. These include tests undertaken on the simplest form of a device using a bifilar coil comprising a power winding, a trigger coil, and a power transistor. This has provided a sort of benchmark for the so-called radiant effects and has allowed me to find the optimum test parameters for the next device iteration. These include the optimum solenoid core, coil load voltage, coil spacing from the rotor and also the start charging point on the battery’s voltage-time charging profile.

The development of an upgraded v5 device, based on the earlier v4 PCB and the results from the simpler bifilar coil device, is now underway and ready to be assembled and tested and for the exploratory work to continue over the next few months in preparation for the main study.